Wednesday 22 December 2010

With a Servants Heart

A new series on Servanthood and Stewardship in church, with Kevin Hornsby, Steve Young and Luke Taylor. What does it take to have the heart of a servant? Come and learn how to go deeper, only at NLC Billingham. Starting Jan 2011


This Series and the End Times series wil be interspersed with each other during Jan, Feb and March.



Tuesday 21 December 2010

End Times Series

In the New Year, Pastor Cliff Henderson will be presenting a new series on the End Times. What does the bible say about the end of days and why is it important to people today? Find out in 2011.

Thursday 4 November 2010

Website Update

Our website has just been totally updated. What do you think? Have a click around and let us know if there is anything else you would like to see on our website.
The new photo gallery links to our flickr account, so why not send us some images and we can add them to the site?
Also, don't miss checking out our leaders pages, where some of the elders will be keeping online blogs, to keep you updated with their thoughts and what's going on at NLC Billingham.


Monday 4 October 2010

Moving On With God

We have began a new series at NLC Billingham, looking through the book of Joshua.
It's time for us to move on to where God wants us to be - and take the ground he has given us.
Come along on a Sunday and find out how you too can move on with God.

Wednesday 8 September 2010

AGM - 15th September

Just a reminder, the AGM will take place on September 15th. All members are asked to attend if it's possible, or to otherwise seed an apology. Looking forward to seeing you all there!

Friday 3 September 2010

September - Bringing Home the Prodigals starts this weekend

We are doing a whole month of outreach catering to reaching those who used to walk strong with God and have lapsed. Just think of how many people you know who were once a part of new life.
This month is time to bring them home. We are excited and looking forward to a great month - who are you praying for?

Tuesday 31 August 2010

Youth Outreach this Sunday

As part of our month of outreach, this Sunday is a special youth outreach service.
So why not bring a young person?

Coming up this September:

September is a month of outreach at New Life Billingham. The theme is bringing home the Prodigals. Join us this month as we seek to bring back those who used to walk with the Lord. We pray that this month we will see numerous salvations.